Friday, January 6, 2012

It feels more like Spring than January! Garlic Planting?!?!

 2012! I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year!!

The weather here in Southern VA has been so strange, I finished picking the habanero's and jalapeno's off my plants only 3 weeks ago.  So I have been cautious about putting the garlic into the ground.

I put some into containers in late October and they're already growing well

Siberian Garlic planted from stock I harvested this year

One New Years Eve it was 65 degrees (felt so wrong!) so I figured it was time to clear out the Summer garden and get some garlic in the ground before it was way too late (I am already a little behind the curve on this one I know)

I figured I'd share a photo collage of the garlic planting.

Because garlic will not be ready for harvest well after I want to get Spring planting done, I devoted the far left corner of my plot to this endeavor.  I decided 3 rows of 6 cloves each (2" apart) was a good start. Plus I have 9 cloves growing in plots

I went a little crazy ordering Garlic varieties this year (who can blame a girl, there are so many good ones out there)

Here is what I ended up planting in the garden

Row 1
    Cloves 1-4: Ajo Roja
    Clove 5-6:  Xian Turban

Row 2
     Cloves 1-3: Spanish Roja
     Cloves 4-6: Persian Start

Row 3:
      Cloves 1-2: Burgundy
      Cloves 3-4: Chesnok Red
      Cloves 5-6: Susanville

I also planted in pots:  Siberian (home grown stock), Oregon Blue and Red Toch

Preparing the cloves

After preparing the cloves (I LOVE the color of some of these cloves, they're just gorgeous!) I placed them in pre-made holes. I am hopeful, but I have never grown garlic in the ground before.....  Everything I planted this spring in the plot grew very very well. So I'm hoping for the same with my garlic 

Ajo Roja getting ready to be tucked in for a long winters nap


  1. Great varieties! Where did you get them from? Growing Garlic is super easy so you should have great results!!!

  2. Thanks Ferne! I'm hoping for the best :) I got my garlic stock from Filaree Garlic Farms in Washington State and Hood River Garlic in Oregon ~ makes the Oregon girl in me happy to plant seeds from home :)

  3. Pin! Great post! This weather sure have thrown me off as well. Thank you for visiting Home Savvy and commenting. I am happy to be following you now.

    I have a few blog parties I would love for you to stop by and link up at. Every Friday, I host my Freshmen Friday party which is a collection of bloggers getting to know each other and sharing tips for growing readership. You can find the current party here:

    On Monday's I host a blog party to link up projects here:

    I hope to party with you and am enjoying your site already!

  4. Erin ~
    Thank you!! I'll stop by the party on Friday ;) Thank you for the Pinterest invite as well :)
