Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rosemary Balsamic London Broil

So I am not sure if this technically counts as a garden post....but I did use Rosemary from my garden so I'm gonna go for it ;)

This weekend, I got a great deal on a London Broil at the grocery store. This was my first attempt at a London Broil, I can say I WILL be doing this again!

1. Pick about 2-3 Sprigs of fresh rosemary from your garden (see I told you it was sort of garden related) :)

Rosemary from my garden

2.  Whisk together

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2tbsp olive oil
4-6 cloves crushed garlic

Place London broil in a re-sealable plastic bag and pour vinegar and oil mixture over it

Place 2-3 sprigs of fresh rosemary in the bag as well

Seal and place in the refrigerator over night

Marinating London Broil

3. Turn the broiler onto high & place marinated steak on a broil pan

4. Salt the steak to taste

5. Pat fresh ground pepper onto both sides of the steak to form a crust

Pat the ground pepper into the steak to form a crust

6. Place the steak about 8" under the broiler and broil on each side for about 8 minutes. I like my steak medium to medium well, adjust the time for doneness

Rosemary Balsamic London Broil



  1. Hi Ali,
    Thanks for the recipe. I recently trimmed my rosemary and have been trying to figure out what to do with them. I will have to give this a try!

    I hope you (and your plants) are doing well in your new home!

  2. Hi Ali, I just found your blog from the Herb Companion link. I will add your blog to my blogroll at Thyme in a Bottle. I look forward to trying out your recipes and following you at the Herb Companion

  3. Charmcitybalconygarden - Welcome! I hope you enjoy the recipe. I love throwing a few sprigs of rosemary in with almost any marinade I make. I'll also use it in fresh baked bread.

    Thank you, the new house is coming along. I think I've finally found the optimum spot for the full sun plants!

  4. Carla - Welcome! So glad you found me and I can't wait to explore your blog, the picture on the front is gorgeous!

  5. I found your blog and will refer to it for knowledge about herbs! You seem to know a bit more than me and very useful..:-) roberta

  6. Hi Roberta!! Welcome! I hope you enjoy :)
